Monday, August 27, 2012

This Is a Blog

So this is blogging.  Not really sure why i'm doing this, but its been bugging me for a while.  I'll probably find out why later.  Until the real purpose of this blog becomes apparent, i plan to use it to store developed thoughts that i don't want to lose.

The name: I'm acting right now as Christ's Ambassador (-> Chi Alpha -> XA) to the Low Temperature Detector (LTD) physics community.  Its not a mission field most people would think of, but i enjoy it and there are people here who can't be reached any other way.

About me: I'm in my last year of a doctoral program in physics, specifically cryogenic characterization of ultra-pure particle detectors.  I enjoy teaching a wide range of subjects, but haven't had much chance in recent years.  I'm also a born-again Christian, which is not as uncommon as you might think in technical circles.  I'll probably post mostly about physics, teaching and Christianity.  I have a wife and 8-month-old son, so if i post family-related stuff that's where i'm coming from.

If you somehow found this blog, welcome.  I'm sorry it probably isn't very well organized.  I wasn't expecting company.  I hope something here is useful to you or at least thought-provoking.  (If you're a bot, go away.)

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